The story of a young chiropractor that ditches the American rat race to introduce her profession to Vietnam

Saturday, February 26, 2011

New Ends, New Beginnings

It’s been a long time.  It tends to get a little harder to write about the job when things are going downhill.  I’ve now reached level ground, and I’m coasting.  I have a smile on my face.  Sometimes it’s not about where you end up, but about how much you enjoyed the ride.  I’ve just spent four months working in the most surreal job environment that I wouldn’t ever be able to dream up this story.  Most businesses are built on premises of making money or maximizing efficiency.  As I’ve come to find out, I came to Vietnam to help a very rich woman feel wafts of grandeur in her attempt to self entertain by opening a very expensive chiropractic clinic.  But I also found love, friendship, loyalty, and camaraderie across cultural boundaries, and there is no greater reward.
I’ve left the job in Hanoi, and am taking some time to sit in my bungalow on the beach for a few weeks/months in some other country in Asia.  I will be writing my story, which I fear may end up being part comedy . . . and that’s fantastic!  It may not be over for me in Vietnam, but if it is, it still may not be over for me working in Asia.  I will choose my next opportunity with great care.  I will post stories to my blog as I go if they are appropriate to my safety in going back to Vietnam.  If the time ever comes when I decide that I’m never going back to Vietnam, I will either post all stories, or just write a book.  As I said in blog number 1, I was excited as anyone to see how it all turned out, and I know I’ve got a page turner brewing.  Stay tuned!


  1. life is definitely a journey, and hopefully an adventurous one, if you are lucky. :) i am sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for your first chapter...

  2. Dr.Cassy; Oh how I've waited for this!You said youre adventourous and you've certainly had a once a lifetime worth all you went thru and all you put into it. As Alex said; I can't wait for the next chapter. Be Safe! EF John write that book!

  3. Your Peterson Chiropractic sign is still hanging in Oak Harbor...just saying!
